F.A.Q – Online Booking
Here are some of our frequently asked questions regarding booking your classes online.
Here are some of our frequently asked questions regarding booking your classes online.
Take advantage of booking from the comfort of your own home or on the move, using your smartphone or tablet with the mobile booking application.
Note: Screens may differ when using different devices.
Register an account at leisure.middevon.gov.uk/onlinebooking.
Note: You are required to use the same email address as the one held on your MDL membership account at the leisure centre.
Open the activation email and follow the instructions.
Making a booking.
Note: To save your search tick ‘REMEMBER MY SEARCH’ this will save time in future.
Shopping Basket.
Note: paying partners for racquet sports need to report to reception on arrival to pay their playing fees.
Confirmation: Click to print a receipt if required. You will also receive an email confirmation of your bookings.
Remember to bring your MDL Card when you check in for your activity/class at the leisure centre.
Congratulations! You’ve done it!
Note: MDL membership/booking terms and conditions apply.
Cancellations cannot be made using the mobile device app or web booking site.
Please contact the leisure centre to do this if necessary.
Mid Devon Leisure is part of Mid Devon District Council, Phoenix House, Phoenix Lane, Tiverton, Devon. EX16 6PP Tel: 01884 255255 Website: www.middevon.gov.uk